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Pretty Cure All Stars Movie: Everybody Sing! Miraculous Magic! (2016)

Pretty Cure All Stars Movie: Everybody Sing! Miraculous Magic! (2016) - Animation Movies 70 minutes. Precure All Stars: Minna de Utau - Kiseki no Mahou!, Pretty Cure All Stars Movie 8 Singing with Everyone Miraculous Magic!, 프리큐어 올스타즈 모두 함께 노래하다♪ 기적의 마법!, Precure All Stars Movie: Everybody Sing! Miraculous Magic!. Mirai and Rico come to the human world to play, but are separated when the witch Sorcierre and her servant Trauuma suddenly appear. Their aim is to acquire the tears of the 44 Precure girls, using them for her Most Evil Magic. Only the friendship of all 44 Precure girls will allow them to protect the world. , , , , , , , , ,